A-83 Sector 63 Noida
+1 302-219-0001
Pharmacy Management Using HL7 Messaging Covering

The Client offers a wide range of offshore pharmacy management using HL7 messaging covering a wide range of management activities including pharmacy management, patient management. They deliver high-quality offshore software for customized pharmacy management applications to a healthcare organization.

Problem Statement / Challenges:

The Client wanted to design and develop a process to get information from the physician’s order sheet, transform this information and insert this information into a client-defined database after various client-defined validation and crosswalks. All these processes must follow HL7Standards.


Mirth Connect, JavaScript, java, HL7 Messages.


Dahooks Designed and Developed multiple HL7-based channels using Mirth Connect to achieve the challenge. The inbound information was ADT01 and RDE011 HL7 messages. We developed transformation logic upon these inbound messages using java, and JavaScript to grab and insert good quality data in the client-defined database. Based on received messages we also generated daily reports after all processing and mail these reports back to the client in an automated manner in order to analyze the data.

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